systems transformation: practice and evaluation

Lead the Change: Tools for Systems Transformation

System transformation is brave, complex, and crucial work that is needed more than ever. This groundbreaking course, co-created by Jess Dart (Clear Horizon) and Anna Powell (Collaboration for Impact), provides the knowledge and the resources to those with the courage to pursue it.


Starting date

11 Oct 2024
9 May 2025


6 weeks
24 hours

Price starting from

$1450 AUD

systems transformation: practice and evaluation

Course Outcomes

Gain key skills and knowledge to undertake systems transformation

  1. Understand the principles of systems transformation and how to apply them in practice.
  2. Learn the importance of both inner (personal) and outer (systemic) shifts and how to enact them.

Learn to integrate evaluation and learning across the entire process

1. Integrate evaluation and learning into every aspect of systems transformation work.
2. Learn how to use your evaluation skills as a powerful tool for learning and adaptation.

Gain practical tools and learn from real-world examples

1. Pick up a comprehensive toolkit for initiating, managing, and evaluating systems transformation projects.
2. Learn from practical examples and case studies of real-world contexts.

Learn a cutting-edge approach to contemporary problems (deep-rooted issues)

1. Learn from leading experts on the latest thinking to tackle systemic change.
2. Join a timely course designed to meet the urgent need for projects seeking systemic change across sectors. 
Easy as one, two, three

Choose your package


$1450 AUD
This package includes:
  • Comprehensive course materials, tools and interactive content
  • Weekly one-hour virtual sessions led by your expert course mentors
  • Free enrolment into additional resources
  • PDF course handbook
  • One 45 minute one-to-one coaching session
  • Two 30 minute one-to-one-coaching session


$1900 AUD
This package includes:
  • Comprehensive course materials, tools and interactive content
  • Weekly one-hour virtual sessions led by your expert course mentors
  • Free enrolment into additional resources
  • PDF course handbook
  • One 45 minute one-to-one coaching session
  • Two 30 minute one-to-one-coaching session


$2800 AUD
This package includes:
  • Comprehensive course materials, tools and interactive content
  • Weekly one-hour virtual sessions led by your expert course mentors
  • Free enrolment into additional resources
  • PDF course handbook
  • One 45 minute one-to-one coaching session
  • Two 30 minute one-to-one-coaching session
If you purchase a standard or premium package using a discount, the discount will be applied to the basic course fee portion of the package, the 'upgrade' portion of the fee is not eligible for discounts.

Our learners love us

The multiple different categories and options for learning new skills, refreshing old ones or trying different challenges, and the student project resources are superb.
Nick Davis
The multiple different categories and options for learning new skills, refreshing old ones or trying different challenges, and the student project resources are superb.
Nick Davis
The multiple different categories and options for learning new skills, refreshing old ones or trying different challenges, and the student project resources are superb.
Nick Davis

Frequently asked questions

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at changemakers and evaluators who want to elevate their practice to engage with macro level systems transformation. This is a non-linear, non-prescriptive course aimed at helping practitioners feel more empowered to do the inner and outer work needed to undergo systems transformation work.

Do you feel frustrated by the ways systems perpetuate the problems we strive to improve? Then this course is for you.

Who is this course not suited for:

This course is not aimed at providing a basic understanding of measurement, evaluation and learning check out our Complete Guide to MEL course here instead.  

If you are unsure if this course is right for you, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us to chat.

What do you mean by 'pilot'?

This cohort is our first ever, which means that you'll be part of an exciting co-creation of how this course will run in the future. You will be learning alongside Jess and Anna in a reduced-size group at a discounted price, meaning more time diving deep into your questions with subject matter experts. It may also mean a few hiccups along the way, but we've done our very best to anticipate and iron them out in advance. 

How is this course different from our systems change and place-based approaches course?

This course is an advanced deep-dive into systems change, and focuses on how to shift societal systems, integrating both practice and evaluation. Unlike our Evaluating Systems Change and Place-Based Approaches, this course is not limited to place-based change work. If you have previously completed our ESCPBA course or our Complete Guide to MEL course and are interested in learning more about systems transformation change, this course is for you.

What do we mean by systems transformation and systems change?

When we talk about systems transformation, we mean socio-technical systems. We're not talking about computer systems, transport systems, or health service systems. We're referring to societal systems, things that are holding problems in place. It's not only about transforming service delivery but also about mindsets, attitudes, power dynamics, and resource flows.  

In summary, systems transformation involves understanding and changing the complex societal systems that perpetuate problems, integrating both the inner work within ourselves and the outer systemic shifts needed in society.

This course is not a comprehensive guide

If you're hoping this course will make systems transformation seem easy and straight forward, think again. The field of systems transformation is new and fast evolving, and no one has all the answers. This course is an enthusiastic collaboration between a practitioner and an evaluator at the forefront of the field, looking to share tips and tools that they've found really useful. It is an invitation to anyone with a system-mindset into their learning journey.

Meet our team

Jess Dart
Course Author and Mentor
Founder and Chief Evaluator at Clear Horizon

Jess navigates complexity with comfort and has over 25 years’ experience in evaluating and designing social change initiatives in Australia and overseas.  In particular, she works with systems change interventions, large-scale strategy and social innovation.
Anna Powell
Course Author and Mentor
CEO at Collaboration for Impact

Anna is a respected social change leader in Australia. She has depth of experience leading networks and organisations to fulfill their purpose in tackling the underlying causes of inequality and disadvantage. Anna lives and work on Muwinina Country, Lutruwita.
Expert Name
Support Mentor
systems transformation: Practice and evaluation

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